but because it matters to your team. It isn’t always plain sailing, however, and the constant pressure of having to pay every employee on time every month can wear on you. It can be especially daunting when your business is growing and taking on new staff, on different terms and salaries and complicated working patterns.

We can take on your payroll management and administer any scheme tailored to your timelines, allowing you to maintain the responsibilities of being an employer while freeing you from the biggest concerns payroll can bring.

Calculations need to be tailored to each member of staff – different salaries are just part of the story. Payroll management is also about the benefits someone might get, such as maternity, paternity and sick pay. Statutory deductions are essential too, which might include student loan repayments and child maintenance.

There are also pension deductions to manage, including auto-enrolment workplace pensions, which, again, vary from staff member to staff member.

What we can do for you:

  • Produce payslips and reports advising you on how much to pay to who.
  • Calculate benefits and deductions.
  • Handle your real-time information tax returns.

Payroll is slightly different and trickier for those in the construction industry, given the complexities of the construction industry scheme (CIS). Fortunately, we’re used to it, and can get all the necessary filings needed for contractors and subcontractors ready almost when you need them.

Get a personal consultation.