If you don’t get these through on time, or if you get them wrong, then you could find yourself with some serious penalties or even facing an investigation. If you adhere to the rules, however, then you’ll find that you’ll have no issues in complying while also reducing your VAT bill. That’s where we our VAT returns services can help.

Our team of experts, can take care of everything from strategic VAT advice to more practical support with administration. We’ll get it all under control – VAT registration, VAT returns, VAT schemes and VAT ratings for specific products and services. Get the details right and you’ll start seeing some real savings.

There are a variety of services and goods that have different VAT ratings, whether it’s VAT schemes for retail or a piece of construction legislation that requires extra attention, such as the domestic VAT reverse charge. You’ll need to be aware of those and, with our help, work out what’s important for your business.

We’ll help with Making Tax Digital (MTD), too, offering dedicated support for all VAT-registered businesses in staying compliant with a key area of modern tax. As of April 2022, all VAT-registered businesses have to use MTD-compatible software to file their VAT returns.

Get a personal consultation.